Art of Norwich
A fresh collection of inspiring artwork is being put on public show as the "Art of Norwich" returns for it's fourth exhibition. Constantly evolving with a wonderful mixture of regular exhibitors and newcomers, AoN strives to give opportunities to established and upcoming artists and to provide a quality collection of work to inspire and delight the eyes of it's visitors.
AoN encourages the participation of artists from all styles, backgrounds and ages. Allowing full freedom to artists to express themselves as they choose, the works on display seem to complement each other in a silent conversation of contrasting styles. Some works may be purely aesthetic, while others may help shine light on some of the pressing topics of our day.
AoN organiser, Ruski, explains: "The quality of the work that has been shown at these exhibitions has never failed to impress me. As we operate a zero-selection policy, the participating artists have full control over the work they want to exhibit, and I always look forward to setting up day when I get to see what they have brought along. I'd liken it to shaking up a jigsaw puzzle and arriving at a unique, but perfectly formed picture each time!"